Event: "NEIPA? Just a P-Haze!"
🚨We've got another online event for you!🚨
This time, it is all about our favourite beer ingredient: HOPS!
Tune in just after 8pm on Thursday 11th June for a live chinwag with the lovely people from DEYA Brewing Company, Neon Raptor Brewing Co., Polly's Brew Co., Verdant Brewing Co, and ourselves of course!
Get your pales, IPAs, DIPAs, TIPAs, and anything else full of hops at the ready!
We'll be talking all things beer, brewing, and answer any questions that you may have. Should be a bit of fun! So get a few beers in the fridge, and join us in the virtual pub.
We'll post the Zoom link/password on our pages around 7:45pm on the night.
Hope you can join us!
